“Most importantly, I want to instill a love of music and performing that will continue with them their whole lives.  I want to help build confidence that helps them as they grow to become well rounded individuals.” ~Bonnie W.

Why Vocal/Music Lessons?

Music is part of everything around us.  It’s in us.  It is us. The beat of our heart, the swishing of our blood flowing, the clapping of our hands, the tapping of our foot, and of course, our voices.  

Vocal Lessons

The goal of vocal lessons, especially for children, is to better understand how our voice works and how to care and better use our instrument.  As our voices continue to change and mature, it’s important to know how to care for it for vocal longevity.

Vocal students have the option to perform at events throughout the community, with special performances planned for family and friends.

Music Theory & History

Music Theory is the understanding of written music.  It provides a language for musicians to communicate with each other.  Understanding music theory means you can read a page of music and understand how the composer wanted it played or sung.  You don’t need music theory to sing a song or play a tune, but it does help progress faster.  Through music theory, children practice math skills, reasoning skills, language arts, history and even science!

In addition, students will learn about different genres of music, musicians, instruments, basic music history, and appreciation techniques.

See you online!

If you’d rather have lessons from the comfort of home (or on the road), we offer Zoom lessons as well.

“Spot Check”: Vocal & Performance Coaching

This session is for experienced performers who need a little extra guidance for an audition or performance.  These are NOT weekly lessons; instead scheduled as needed.

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